Frito-Lay Transforms Shelf Strip Printing Process with Afinia Label Printers

The Challenge: Improving Shelf Strip Accuracy and Efficiency

Frito-Lay, the $19 billion snack food division of PepsiCo, faced difficulties in efficiently and accurately producing shelf strips for their products. The manual process, potential for human error, and the high cost of pre-printed strips made it challenging for the company to keep their products properly stocked in stores, resulting in waste and lost revenue.

With the support of their Afinia Label dealer, Vivid Data Group, they found a solution to overcome these challenges.

The Solution: Afinia Label L801 Printers

By implementing Afinia Label L801 printers, Frito-Lay transformed their shelf strip printing process. The printers allowed shelf strips to be printed on demand, reducing the cost and lead time of pre-printed strips and improving the accuracy and efficiency of their workflow. As a result, the company could better serve their customers and ensure their products were well-stocked and correctly displayed in stores.

“Afinia Label printers have been a game-changer for our shelf strip printing process. The ability to print on demand has allowed us to reduce the cost and lead time of pre-printed strips, and has helped us to quickly and easily correct errors.” – Troy Bird, Print Center Manager and Sr Business Analyst at Frito-Lay

Key Benefits of Afinia Label Printers for Frito-Lay

  • Reduced total cost of strips
  • Increased capability to get the correct products to market
  • Decreased turnaround time for new stores and changes to existing stores
  • Easier stocking with pictures right on the shelf as opposed to using a diagram
  • Ability to correct errors on strips on demand, rather than waiting 60 days for reprint

Measurable Impact on Frito-Lay’s Business

Since implementing Afinia Label printers, Frito-Lay has experienced a range of positive impacts on their business, such as:

  • Reduced turnaround time to replenish strips from 2 years to 6 months
  • Improved accuracy of shelf strips, with the ability to quickly and easily correct errors on demand
  • Increased efficiency of shelf strip printing process, allowing Frito-Lay to better serve their customers and keep their products properly stocked in stores
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